Rejminet: We Make Mobile Apps. Mobile?

There are way more people viewing the world through phones than through web browsers. Every business needs a mobile app, or thinks they do. We are here to help! The secret to building mobile apps that run on both Android and iOS is very simple: write them in a toolkit called Flutter. So that's what we do. Why pay two developers to write the same app for you? "Write once, run on both." That's our motto.

Android and Apple iOS/iPadOS Apps

The current version of iCheckIn, a private app for use by Learning Tree instructors, was written in the Flutter SDK and both looks and behaves the same on both Android, and iOS. We could also make a desktop version (Windows, Linux, Mac) but they already have a web application for the non-mobile crowd.

That's right - Flutter lets us also build desktop apps for Mac, Linux and MS-Windows, for very little effort. To be fair, some of the third-party libraries for Flutter don't yet support all platforms, though they're improving all the time.

Android-specific Apps

If you want, we could write you an Android-only app. Our founder, Ian Darwin, is the author of the O'Reilly Android Cookbook, containing advice from him and dozens of Android experts around the world on how to build great Android apps. He comes to Android from over a decade of building Java apps of all types: Swing, Web Server (Servlets, JSP, JSF, Seam 2, Java EE/Jakarta EE, ...), JavaME/BlackBerry, and more. Ian also wrote the O'Reilly Java Cookbook, now in its fifth edition, based on his experience with Java.

We have created many Android apps. Here are some that are in the Google Play Store:

Tell us what you need in your app

Please contact us for the information needed to get a quotation.